5 Quotes & Sayings By Lynn Redgrave

Born in London, she was the daughter of an actor and an actress. After attending convent schools, she trained as a dancer and made her stage debut at the age of fifteen. Soon she found herself appearing in numerous films, becoming a leading lady in 1948. She has also played many roles for television and the theatre Read more

She is one of the few actresses to have appeared on both stage and screen in Shakespeare's works. She became Dame Lynn Redgrave in 1977.

Over the last few years, my comfort level with how I look has improved. My age has helped. You get used to yourself and accept yourself. Lynn Redgrave
And yet, I suppose you mourn the loss or the death of what you thought your life was, even if you find your life is better after. You mourn the future that you thought you'd planned. Lynn Redgrave
There were times after my marriage ended where, you know, I really felt like I was at the bottom of a mountain, there was a great big, fog up there, and I'm never going to cross to the other side. Lynn Redgrave
As an actor, particularly because I'm - I would call myself a character actor. I change my look, my physical appearance and my body, my hair color, my whatever all the time for a role. Lynn Redgrave